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The Morson Group Awards

The Morson Group host it's first virtual Emmy Awards

The Morson Group was founded in 1969 by Gerry Mason, the father of their current CEO Ged Mason. Today the company has grown from a family home headquarters in Eccles to a group of connected businesses with an outstanding reputation for delivering consultancy, design, technology, screening, training and people solutions. Their businesses include Morson Talent, Morson Projects and Vital; all which operate across the UK, US and Canada. Within these geographies their influence and people reach a diverse range of sectors including aerospace, automotive and construction to name a few. We worked closely with the Morson Group from the outset to transform their ‘Emmy’ Awards vision into a reality. With multiple components to consider we called upon our full suite of technical and production expertise to ensure that no compromise was made on production value, whilst also making sure the unique glamour and ambience of an awards evening was infused throughout. A mirage of content included content pre-recorded in Studio A, video messages to the award winners from stars such a Sir Alex Ferguson, live music from the Studio and remote guests from Canada brought in via video link. Each individual component was then seamlessly woven together to make for a vibrant and fantastically engaging show. The ‘Emmys’ were then streamed out live via a purpose-built microsite to the ‘Emmy’ attendees. Overall, the evening was a resounding success and brought together the Morson group for a wonderful evening of recognition and entertainment.

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